But even if it's been a busy and exhausting summer, I must say, it's been a great one. Last Saturday (the 26th) saw another 100+ pound harvest, making it our seventh this season. And even if the onset of autumn makes him a bit droopy around the edges, this gardener is awfully proud of our season. It's been a first for mushrooms and our first significant harvests of pears. We haven't grown this much garlic in years. Our apple trees were produced respectably and, even though we thought she'd be exhausted from such a big year last year, our plum tree produced like crazy!
The seasons fly by so quickly you might miss them. I was looking back through some sweet pics from this season and noticed some subtle changes in the foliage around our shed. For you, gentle reader, an illustrated comparison:

But fret not! We still have some good harvests on the docket yet this year. Stop by soon, 'cause we'll be pulling the rest of our squash and harvesting the sweet potatoes in the coming weeks along side red radishes, daikon, greens, and turnips.