The other garden volunteers do not usually get the opportunity to see glamour shots of our produce, so these photos are as much for them as for followers of the blog.
The photographs serve as a record of how the offerings of the garden change over the growing season. As spring yielded to summer, our donations changed from radishes and peas to cucurbits, beans, and turnips.
One thing that has not changed (and that shouldn't change for a few more months) is the weekly mess of collards, kale, and chard that we bring. If anything, the amount of collards is increasing.
June 26: mostly leaves—collards, kale, chard; herbs

July 3: collards, kale, chard; chives and herbs; radishes; snap peas

July 10: massive amounts of collards, kale, chard; yellow wax beans; the last of the snap peas

July 17: yellow summer squash, zucchini, and cucumber; lettuce; turnips; yellow wax and green beans. We may need to start using a second cart.

The photos of the cart do not include the bouquets of flowers and containers of fruit that we also bring. During June, we were able to bring in red and black raspberries; last week, we brought gooseberries.