While the Garden hasn't officially opened yet, plenty of work is being done. For instance, the seedlings, now three weeks old, are coming up strong at Kilbourne.
This one is going to be a basketball player.
While stopping in to give these trays a drink I was astonished by how quickly these tomatoes, peppers, basil, greens and such were growing.
And the plants at the greenhouse aren't the only ones working hard to get ready for the garden's big opening! Some of these poor guys came up a little early and, although we never pressure volunteers to stick around in rough weather, we appreciate them sticking out the vacillating temperature to keep the Garden looking gorgeous.
I could live under this tree forever if it just keeps smelling so good.
It's also selfish to think that just because volunteers haven't been coming that the garden has been unoccupied.
I'm sure our winter caretaker won't mind sharing with us once the season starts up. Until then, he has full reign.
Raspberries and Rhubarb, what more can I say? Ginkgo you make me greedy.
More to come on our improving water collection system in weeks to come. OH! AND DON'T FORGET THAT TOMORROW, APRIL 7, IS THE SEASON'S OFFICIAL START DATE! COME ONE COME ALL!